Carry On: Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller

Netflix has been on a roll lately with thrilling content, and their upcoming movie Carry On is no exception. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, the mastermind behind Black Adam and Jungle Cruise, this action-packed thriller promises to deliver heart-pounding suspense and intense drama. With a stellar cast that includes Taron Egerton, Sofia Carson, and Jason Bateman, Carry On is set to be one of the most anticipated Netflix releases of 2024.

But what exactly is Carry On about? Who stars in it? When is it coming out, and why should it be on your watchlist? In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about Netflix’s latest thriller—from plot details and casting choices to the highly anticipated release date.

Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller
Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller

Carry On Plot Overview

Carry On centers around Ethan Kopek, a young TSA agent who gets more than he bargained for when he is blackmailed by a mysterious traveler into allowing a dangerous package through airport security. The stakes couldn’t be higher as this takes place on Christmas Eve, a time when airports are already filled with tension and chaos. What follows is a high-octane thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as Ethan tries to navigate the dangerous situation while keeping innocent lives safe.

This movie blends suspense with action, promising an intense ride from start to finish. The plot focuses on moral dilemmas, the weight of choices, and how a single moment can alter the course of one’s life. With an intriguing storyline that ties into the high-pressure world of airport security, Carry On is shaping up to be a gripping thriller that’s perfect for anyone who loves fast-paced narratives with emotional depth.

Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller
Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller

Who’s Who in the Star-Studded Cast?

1. Taron Egerton as Ethan Kopek

Taron Egerton, best known for his role in the Kingsman series, steps into the shoes of Ethan Kopek, the film’s protagonist. Egerton’s performance is expected to bring a combination of charm, intensity, and vulnerability as his character faces a life-altering challenge. His previous work in action-heavy roles makes him a perfect fit for the lead in Carry On.

2. Sofia Carson

Sofia Carson, who wowed audiences with her performance in Netflix’s Purple Hearts, joins the cast as a key player in the unfolding drama. Carson’s role in Carry On remains somewhat mysterious, but her presence in the film adds a layer of excitement given her rising star status and proven acting chops.

3. Jason Bateman

Jason Bateman, known for his Emmy-winning performance in Ozark, is also part of the stellar cast. Bateman brings gravitas and complexity to any role he takes on, and his involvement in Carry On is sure to elevate the film’s tension and character dynamics.

4. Danielle Deadwyler

Danielle Deadwyler, who delivered a powerful performance in Till, is also part of the ensemble. She’s known for her emotional depth and range, which will likely add a strong dramatic element to the film.

5. Theo Rossi

Theo Rossi, who has become a familiar face in action-packed roles like in Luke Cage and Sons of Anarchy, adds an edge to the film. Rossi’s intensity is expected to match the thriller’s tone, making him a critical part of the cast.

With this ensemble of talented actors, Carry On promises not just an engaging plot but also top-tier performances that will bring its characters to life in powerful ways.

Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller
Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller

Behind the Scenes: Production and Creative Team

One of the most exciting aspects of Carry On is the talent behind the camera. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, whose work includes action-packed films like Jungle Cruise and The Shallows, the movie is in capable hands. Collet-Serra is known for his ability to combine thrilling action sequences with tight, suspenseful storytelling.

The script is penned by T.J. Fixman, known for his work on Ratchet & Clank, with contributions from Michael Green, who worked on films like Logan and Blade Runner 2049. Together, they’ve crafted a story that blends action, moral complexity, and high-stakes drama.

Produced by Dylan Clark and Amblin Partners, Carry On is one of the first projects to come out of the partnership between Netflix and Amblin, Steven Spielberg’s production company. This collaboration sets high expectations for the film’s quality and scope.

Release Date: When Can You Watch Carry On?

Netflix has slated Carry On for release on December 13, 2024. This holiday season release is fitting given the film’s Christmas Eve setting, adding an extra layer of tension to the story. As we approach the release date, expect Netflix to ramp up its promotional efforts, with trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, and interviews to build excitement.

Given that Netflix tends to drop all episodes or films at once, you’ll be able to binge-watch Carry On as soon as it’s available. So mark your calendars—December 13, 2024, is when the suspense begins.

Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller
Carry On Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything You Need to Know About Netflix’s Upcoming Thriller

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Carry On about?

Carry On follows Ethan Kopek, a TSA agent who is blackmailed into allowing a dangerous package onto a Christmas Eve flight. The film combines elements of suspense, action, and drama, making it a thrilling watch.

2. Who stars in Carry On?

The film features an impressive cast, including Taron Egerton, Sofia Carson, Jason Bateman, Danielle Deadwyler, and Theo Rossi.

3. Who directed Carry On?

Jaume Collet-Serra, known for his work on Black Adam and Jungle Cruise, directed the film.

4. When is the release date for Carry On?

The movie is set to premiere on Netflix on December 13, 2024.

5. What genre is Carry On?

Carry On is a thriller with strong elements of suspense and action. It’s set in a high-stakes environment that will keep viewers engaged from start to finish.

Why You Should Add Carry On to Your Watchlist

Carry On has all the ingredients for a must-watch Netflix thriller. With a compelling plot that taps into the tension of airport security and moral dilemmas, paired with a star-studded cast, this film is set to be a holiday hit. The combination of suspense, action, and emotional depth makes it a movie that will appeal to a wide audience.

Moreover, the involvement of top-tier talent both in front of and behind the camera ensures that Carry On will be a high-quality production. Whether you’re a fan of Taron Egerton’s dynamic performances, Sofia Carson’s rising star power, or Jason Bateman’s nuanced acting, there’s something in Carry On for everyone.


Carry On is shaping up to be one of Netflix’s most exciting releases of 2024. With its intriguing plot, impressive cast, and a release date set during the festive season, it promises to be a thrilling addition to your holiday watchlist. Keep an eye out for trailers and updates as the release date approaches—this is one movie you won’t want to miss.

Whether you’re a fan of action-packed thrillers or gripping dramas, Carry On offers a unique blend of both, making it a must-see for Netflix subscribers. Don’t forget to mark December 13, 2024, on your calendar for this suspense-filled holiday treat.